When we moved out of apartment living, one of the things I was most excited about is that our neighbors would be further away than sharing a wall with someone. Back then we didn't have horrible neighbors, we just had the old lady underneath us that I avoided at all costs (lonnnnggg story).
I've always heard people with these horrible neighbor stories, and I'd always think wow, well sucks for them because I've never experienced that! People can't be THAT bad!
We are surrounded by douchy neighbors. Not one, not two, but three (maybe more?)! I don't even think I'm being overly dramatic here, they each make me want to come over and punch them in the eye for very different reasons.
Neighbors #1: the gigantic family next door. These people are actually very nice, but they piss us off for other reasons. They have a 3-car garage and a driveway that could probably fit 4 cars across. Do they park cars in their garage? Nope. They do, however, park about 6 cars in their driveway and sometimes on their grass. Yes, apparently I live in Oildale. (No offense to those who live in Oildale who do not park in their lawn). They also park 3-4 cars on the street at all times, which almost always take up ALL THE PARKING SPACE in front of our house. I'd guess that at least 3 of these cars do not even run. I even saw a ticket on one of them once for that reason. Thankfully they got rid of their mini-doberman that used to run around the neighborhood and chase me up to my front door with it's scabies.
Neighbors #2: Douch-y family across the street. These people have never said a word to us, yet they are always outside. They always have BBQ's in their front yard. HELLO - we do have backyards, people! They also enjoy parking in front of our house, even when they have room for parking in front of theirs. Maybe if they'd move the half-pipe and trailer (with a scrunched up race car on it) out of their driveway they would not be so douch-y. Also, their little kids run around outside while they are being ridiculously profane. It's pretty sad to hear them drunkenly yelling EFF THIS AND THAT right in front of little kids.
Neighbors #3, the noisy teenagers(?) behind us. If you enjoy waking up at 2am on a Thursday to loud pool parties then you should definitely live in our house. This is not just your every-so-often house party, it's like multiple times a week. I feel like a grumpy old lady complaining about people having fun, but it's just a little ridiculous. I can hear their conversations about getting high from inside our house. SO ANNOYING.
Do you guys think I'm being overly annoyed with all of them? Do you have any past or present bad neighbors?
Apologies for using the word "douche" 80 times in this post!!!
Do you guys think I'm being overly annoyed with all of them? Do you have any past or present bad neighbors?
Apologies for using the word "douche" 80 times in this post!!!